Orthopaedic Surgeries

In the month of June, 2024, we had a Orthopaedic surgeon from Sweden Dr Leif Ryd assist Dr Deepak Rai to perform a conservative knee surgery at our hospital for early degenerative changes in the joint …… Dr Ryd invented the material / implant which can plug the defects early on in the disease process, which will help to delay the knee degeneration

Robotic – Total Knee Replacement Surgeries

Yenepoya Specialty Hospital is ready to lead the way to provide world-class care through technological advancement while keeping patient care at the forefront. With developed economies and increased awareness, people are becoming more conscious about their health. Regardless of the cost factors, people are willing to opt for advanced technologies and solutions to improve their health.

Joint Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure performed in Yenepoya Specialty Hospital to replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve pain and disability. It is most commonly performed for osteoarthritis, and also for other knee diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. In patients with severe deformity from advanced rheumatoid arthritis, trauma, or long-standing osteoarthritis, the surgery may be more complicated and carry higher risk.

Joint replacement surgery or Replacement arthroplasty is performed in Yenepoya Specialty Hospital, in which an dysfunctional joint surface is replaced with an orthopedic prosthesis. Joint replacement is considered as a treatment when severe joint pain or dysfunction is not alleviated by less-invasive therapies. It is a form of arthroplasty, and is often indicated from various joint diseases, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Spine Surgeries

This is a specialized clinic at Yenepoya Specialty Hospital dedicated to the diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of adult and pediatric spinal disorders. We provide a systematic approach that includes: efficient evaluation, focus on function and quality of life for patients along with the most effective treatment.

Using state of the art technology and facilities, we  focus  on providing the best and least invasive solution on a case to case basis. If you are suffering from spine related pain, or concerned about a nagging pain that has been around for years, we would be happy to see you and help restore function, and decrease pain.

The Spine surgery specialist at Yenepoya provide patients with the latest, most innovative, most effective non-surgical and surgical treatments available for patients with degenerative disease, spine deformity, spine tumor, infections and spinal cord injury. We provide individualised care and focus on educating patients about their neurological conditions and spine-related pain and treatment options. Innovative skills, extensive preparation and in-depth knowledge of anatomy and surgery, enables us to offer safe and effective treatment for a wide range of painful and debilitating conditions of the spine.

Sports Injuries

It’s a interdisciplinary sub-specialty of medicine which deals with preventive care and treatment of both amature / professional sports personnel.

Sports medicine is not a single speciality as it involves, orthopaedic surgeons, nutritionist, researchers, and educators of different disciplines, health care providers and sports personal themselves.

Educating the sports personnel and training them accordingly to prevent injury during their specified sports is a task, which I stress to my patients.

I have noticed sports personnel with attention deficient or hyperactivity disorder tend to participate in-group contact sports rather than individual sports. Thus increasing their probability to sustain injuries.

It is proved that sport specialization appears to be an independent risk factor for injury, as opposed to simply being a function of increased sport exposure.

Hence Athletic associations, school administrators, coaches and sports medicine providers need to better educate parents and their athletes on the increased chances of injury risk and provide more opportunities for diversified athletic play.

Young athletes are vulnerable to a wide range of injuries, including

  • overuse of arm and shoulder in sports like cricket, squash, badminton, tennis etc
  • overuse of hamstring and calf muscles in spite developing fatigue in sports like football, basketball.
  • epiphyseal injuries to knee, ankle and wrist joints in sports like tennis, soccer
  • ligament injuries to knee, shoulder by improper placement of limb while landing or diving in sports like basket ball and cricket.

“Everyone wants a young athlete to get back to sports as quickly as possible, but it is important to address the injury accordingly may be surgically or simple rest with kinesotapping based on the type of injury. It is even more important to access the usage of the appropriate muscles post injury, and to find them triggering at appropriate time to prevent injuries.

Lastly, I request the middle-aged personnel who tend to play sports not on regular basis. To make it a point to stretch their body and warm up before and after the sports. Thus preventing most of the injuries to their muscles and ligaments.

Kindly make note that the body is not as young as it was one/two decade a go, hence do accept its limitations and exert accordingly.

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