
Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Vijita Nair

I first visited yenapoya hospital’s ent department due to an aggravated csom problem. My initial contact person was Dr Preetha Naik who referred me to Dr Muhammad Thahir in 2017.

I’ve had this problem for almost 25 years now. After 2 not very successful surgeries, I was only hoping for a little relief from the wetness and leakage from the ear. To put things in perspective, let me explain that one ear was so badly affected that it had damaged the other ear also in the long run. So I was functioning with the outer ring of one eardrum and a small perforation in the other eardrum too.

Another surgery was unthinkable at this stage. So I just expected a heavy dose of medicine to get over the infection.

But I was introduced to a new line of treatment by Dr Thahir. He cleaned the ear every time I went to him. And I paid a visit at least once a month, if not more frequently. Also, the antibiotics dropped from 625 mg thrice a day (that was the maximum dosage I’d ever been prescribed) to 200 mg twice a day.

At the end of 2 years, I reached a point where one ear completely healed and the other one was dry for more than 14 months. I hadn’t experienced or even expected relief of the sort.

I’m really grateful to both the doctors for seeing me so regularly and more so, for the patient treatment in spite of having innumerable patients lining up to see them. The staff was also very courteous and friendly. That helped to make the long waiting hours tolerable.

I’m really glad I took a chance and called Yenapoya hospital when I was just getting to know my way around Mangalore.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Srinivas Prabhu

IP Number: I01428
‘Life is really uncertain’ is what I experienced.

Just a few days back, on 10th july – Friday,7pm. I was hale and healthy and just completing my office work. Within15 minutes, my life went for a toss. By 7.15pm i started getting severe stomach pain and inspite of doing all home remedies, it did’nt reduce. I had to finally rush for some medical help and my wife bought me to yenepoya hospital.

The security guard saw my condition, immediately let me in by just checking the temperature and guided me to the casualty. My wife was parking the car. Even before she could reach the casulty, I was attended by the duty doctors and started with the first aid even before the registration process. Yes, the registration process started a few minutes later after my wife arrived but that did’nt stop the first aid treatment. The duty doctor tried her level best to address the problem by providing pain killers but when things started going out of control she did’nt look back to refer to surgeon Dr. S.S.Honnani. It was around 10.40pm that time when Dr.Honnani arranged for a few pain killers and arranged for a CT scan immediately. Post the CT scan Dr. Honnani was still there to check if there was any life threatening condition post which he suggested to get an admission in the hospital and also arranged for additional pain killers as sos. Probably he might have left for the day by 12.30am. A surgeon providing services with human touch at 12.00am in morning is really comendable. A big thanks to him.

Next day he referred the case to Dr. Ashok pandit who was a god sent messiah. No words to express the gratitude to Dr. Pandit. He was patiently listening to all queries and answering them and above all his assurance that he was with us is out of the world. As per the condition we had to wait for 2 days for the medical condition to subside down. It was sunday evening, a request was sent by me to perform the procedure since the pain had become unbearable and i was diagnosed with kidney stone and none of the first line traetment worked. Inspite of being a sunday, public holiday and family time he arranged the OT within an hour with all necessary requirments. I see only God in him. A big thanks to Dr. Pandit and his entire team of assistants and the aneathetists.

Post the operation and my stay in room number 811, all the support nurses were extremely polite, curtious, co-operative and working within the parameters set by the senior doctors. Their enthusiasm and passion that they bring to work cannot be found anywhere. The only sad part is I will never be able to recognize them by their face due to face mask (the protocol they are supposed to follow). Every time they were called in for any service or an their own, they had changed the gloves and used sanitizers generously. A big thanks to all the nurses who had served Room 811 from 10th july to 14th july.

A big thanks to the housekeeping staff for keeping the room clean and tidy with a smiling heart. Heartfull thanks to the senior management of yenepoya hospital to manage and maintain the hospital with all doctors and support staff so efficiently with an attitude of ‘Happy to Serve” to summarize. I being an ordinary individual with no political backup or any influence, walking into the hospital and getting the best possible treatment, is really noteworthy. I can just say that Yenepoya Hospital is a Healthcare Institute with Human Touch.

A fully satisfied and happy patient who walked out on July 14.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Narendra L Nayak

Expert group Of Institutions – Mangalore
This letter is in appreciation of the work by department of physiotherapy at Yenepoya Hospital, kodialbail. Both me and my wife Dr. Ushaprabha N Nayak have taken physiotherapy treatment in this hospital recently and the purposebfor which the treatment was taken is really served.
The ambience , smiling and professional services rendered especially by the Physiotherapist Ms. Ramya Rao are exemplary. At any time I would happily recommend physiotherapy services for any needy at this hospital only. Instruments which they use, the patience which the physiotherapists exhibit , the way in which they guide to do the home work are really good. I wish the Physiotherapy department and its staff at Yenepoya hospital all the best and they deserve all kinds of appreciation and accolades.
Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Senior Commander
B-737 Fleet – Jet Airways

Words cannot express my gratitude for the medical care I received at Yenepoya Speciality Hospital Manglore.

I suppose my destiny brought me to Mangalore via Abu Dhabi on 6 Apr 18 to experience love, friendship and care in a distant city much beyond just professional medical care.

I am a resident of Delhi & over the years I have had the opportunity to experience some of the top corporate hospitals there, both as a patient and as an attendant to my family members. The experience there has been of being serviced by a well oiled machinery working efficiently overtime with raw professionalism but lacked that touch of humaness, care and love that heals more than medicine. However, my experience here at Yenepoya Hospital not only humbled me but revived my faith in both the medical profession and humanity.

Alone in a distant city, far from home, with no one known, I underwent Angiogram and Angioplasty at Yenepoya Hospital without anxiety and fear.

Here I must mention the names of Dr Krishna Shetty who performed the procedure on me with complete dedication, professionalism and humility, Dr Suhas who attended to my complaint initially & lead me like a guiding angel on to the correct path & Dr Sayeed who took time out to visit me, talk to me and reassure me in my difficult period. I mention them not only for their professionalism but for their qualities well beyond that of a professional doctor so much needed by an anxious lonely patient who has suffered a cardiac arrest.

I will not be doing justice if I do not mention here the efficient, friendly & caring nursing staff like Sisters Elina, Prushvita, Eeba, Asha, Chaitanya and many others whose names I am sorry I forget, who looked after me like my own family members. Other attendant staff like Anna, housekeeping staff, the staff at the adminssion counter and insurance desk too have been wonderful and have gone beyond their call of duty to assist in every way. All this am sure has been possible only due to the vision & the positive guiding strength of the founder and the present Chairman of this wonderful setup.

The timely medical intervention by the doctors, the love and care by them & all others has not only given me a fresh lease of life but has left memories for me to cherish for the rest of my life.

I once again express my gratitude to the wonderful staff of Yenepoya Speciality Hospital, Thankyou from my soul.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Mr. Sumanth Narayan

Honnavara, Karwar Uttara Kannada

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the hospital doctors, nurses and staff members for their devotion and excellent services.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Mrs. K Pooja Rai

Puttur, Karnataka

Services provided by the staff is warm and helpful. Staff Nurses in delivery section and also ward are so helpful and committed.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Mrs. Bibi Hajira

Honnavara, Karwar

You are all doing a good job. God bless you all, especially for nurses. They are doing their duty as a worship.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Mrs. Mufida

Puttur, Karnataka

Overall service was excellent. We would suggest our relatives and friends for any kind of medical treatments. Nurses were polite and patient-friendly.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Mr. Austin Vivian Veigas


I am grateful to Dr. Deepak Suraparaju and Dr. Suhas. Thank you for taking such great care of my son Austin Veigas. You have a special gift as a surgeon and a person. Thank you for giving me back my son’s life. Thank you for your expert care and for saving my son Austin. Thank you once again to the Yenepoya Hospital entire staff.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Master. Ananth Kamath


Very good hospital. Very convenient also. Present in heart of the city with an easy approach For every corner of the area. Keep it up.

Capt Sanjiv Singhal

Varsha Rohit

My experience at Yenepoya Specialty Hospital was superior and well above medical treatment standards. The Physicians, nurses and staff successfully eradiated my injury with ensuring my well being was exceptional. Huge thanks to Dr. Deepak Rai. Surgery was done well, I had no discomfort after the surgery. Even prior to the surgery I was taken good care by the nurses. Post surgery the physicians did an excellent job, mainly the Rehab was perfectly done and I cannot thank Dr. Ramya Rao enough for being so kind and sensitive and understanding my injury really well.

She worded her magic is just couple of weeks. Being a professional athlete I have worked with a lot of physio’s for all kinds of injuries but Dr. Ramya showed her interest in this like no other ever did.

She is a really hard working physio who made sure I would stand back on my feet in less than the recovery protocol. She worked on my leg everyday even when she was busy running working on other patients. Yenepoya is truly lucky to have a physio like her and I shall recommend my fellow athlete to go her for their injuries and quick recovery.

Everybody at the physio centre was really friendly and that positive vibe made me recover even faster. Overall I loved the treatment here and shall miss everyone come across during my treatment here.